On strike for a year

I (Raymond Ly, Vatara PT, real level-2 SIM card holder) will be going on strike on level-2 for a yearL1 to protest the fact that:
  1. I receive no level-1 financial aid/compensation outside of humanL2 immediate family membersL1.1 
  2. People still refuse to admit there was no communism/socialism or equality in the USSR.2 People can no longer use the excuse that level-2 humans are not doing well enough on level-2 to be honest about such things. 
  3. Level-2 bottom-feeders don't even have a real level-2 apple charm, yet still have higher level-1 wealth on average than level-2 humans.  The combined level-2 power of all level-2 bottom-feeders should be less than that of SatGov when SatGov first acquired a real level-2 apple charm.3 This clearly is not the case meaning people have a lot of work to do in the right direction.  Thus, I'm going on strike for a year to give people time to accomplish that work.
  4. Nazi dipshits who are already markedL2 keep making percussive noisesL1 as if they are contributing to society rather than being mobile piles of horse shit.  To level-2 bottom-feeders who won't stop making percussive noisesL1: "Shut the fuck up already."
Without a real level-2 apple charm, one cannot:
1) levy level-2 taxation
2) acquire a level-2 white seashell charm
3) acquire a level-2 jade leaf charm
Find a level-2 bottom-feeder to blame.

1. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Panoramics

"I need $54 million (USD)L1." https://pan0ramics.blogspot.com/2018/06/i-need-54-million-l1-usd.html.
2.  "Basic Income Economics (Parts 1 and 2)."
3. "Jötunheimr library [Section 13]." http://pan0ramics.blogspot.com/p/jotunheimr-library-section-13.html.

Apr. 7, 2019:
I (Raymond Ly, Vatara PT)i  will be going on strike on level-2 until:
  • (L1:) I get a functioning car battery (that lasts longer than six months which includes being able to maintain a maintenance charge)

1. See [JLA 8c]
