Rick and Morty: The animated version of a sophist's wet dream
Last edited: 8Jan2022
Rick and Morty is a sophistic, racist, misogynistic cartoon that tries to make slavery and anti-Semitism look acceptable. The character Rick is a sophist portrayed as a god to be revered.Dafuq? |
The episode "Raising Gazorpazorp" (S1E3) where Rick and Summer find themselves on a female-ruled planet is filled with cringe-worthy male chauvinism. "Rixty Minutes" (S1E8) shows a parody of Garfield named "Gazorpazorpfield." Gazorpazorpfield points at Gazorpazorp–Jon Arbuckle and says "Guilt! White guilt!" — implying that non-Whites are exploiting Whites by having a memory of the gross atrocities inflicted on them (and current awareness of continued abuse). Evil people hate being held responsible for their actions, refuse to accept any blame, and refuse to stop committing the evil acts. Fascists (comprising Stalinists) who are still committing atrocities across the planet are pretending they are victims because they are being rightly blamed for crimes of the past and present. The truth is that sociopathically insane individuals have not received proper punishment for past or present crimes and don't even feel guilty about the crimes they are committing right now.1
"Something Ricked This Way Comes" (S1E9) uses the sophist tactic of pretending sophists care about science and use science to help people. Sophists have a strict set of lies they like to maintain and go out of their way to enforce. One of these lies is that psi phenomena do not exist; anybody who has looked into scientific research on the issue would be led to conclude that psi phenomena do exist.2 James Randi pretended he was a man of truth by debunking fake mystics and psychics. Sophists pretend Randi's television game show had more rigour than scientific studies comprising proper controls and actual measurements.
The people who get angriest at people bringing up the existence of psi phenomena and always portray themselves as being too stupid and angry to ever figure out how psi phenomena could exist are typically , and hypocritically, shamelessly active on the second level of communication.
Sophists pretend there was perfect equality in the Soviet Union which a quick glance at two pictures proves false.3
In "The Ricks Must Be Crazy" (S2E6), the show portrays enslaving others as smart, "alpha" behaviour. "Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate" (S2E8) includes a segment that tries to portray anti-Semitism as acceptable.
I don't think the show is nearly as smart or creative as it portrays itself to be. I would give it a 4 out of 10. My guess is Fred Gohlke gives the show a 10 out of 10.
1. For example, the current atrocities being committed against Middle Easterners will inevitably become another source of "White guilt." The easy solution would be to stop committing the atrocities.
2. "Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications on Psi Research." Institute of Noetic Sciences. http://noetic.org/research/psi-research. Accessed 23 Sep. 2017.
In "The Ricks Must Be Crazy" (S2E6), the show portrays enslaving others as smart, "alpha" behaviour. "Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate" (S2E8) includes a segment that tries to portray anti-Semitism as acceptable.
I don't think the show is nearly as smart or creative as it portrays itself to be. I would give it a 4 out of 10. My guess is Fred Gohlke gives the show a 10 out of 10.
1. For example, the current atrocities being committed against Middle Easterners will inevitably become another source of "White guilt." The easy solution would be to stop committing the atrocities.
2. "Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications on Psi Research." Institute of Noetic Sciences. http://noetic.org/research/psi-research. Accessed 23 Sep. 2017.
3. "Basic Income Economics." Panoramics' Book, https://panoramicsbook.blogspot.com/p/basic-income-economics-part-1.html.
Science and evidence support basic income.
4. Real science helps humanity. Lucifer worship, which comprises sophist science, can never help humanity because it feeds off the starvation of humanity.
"Terminology." https://pan0ramics.blogspot.com/2017/09/terminology.html.
"Terminology." https://pan0ramics.blogspot.com/2017/09/terminology.html.
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