SatGov wins modern equivalent of level-2 Trojan war

May 11, 2018: SatGov won the modern equivalent of a level-2 Trojan war when a level-2 Trojan horse sent by level-2 bottom-feeders caught fire.

Level-2 Treasure:
  • Golden apple
  • The level-2 equivalent of a level-1 golden apple

Ironman PT enforces the rules of real level-2 economics (i.e. SatGov) on others and is rewarded as a result.

[May 8, 2018:] "Level-2 gold ==> SatGov militaryL2 and Justice LeagueL2 gearL2 (armour, weapons, etc.) become goldL2.1

Armin Scholz (Odysseus/Ironman PT)
Penelope PT is so lucky

1. "Jötunheimr library [Section 9a]."
