News (May 16 and 17, 2018 cont'd)

Nope, not good enough. Try again.

If Israel is over the 1947 UN partition plan lines, then Palestinians have the right to use violence. Just tell Israel to stop being violent since Israel is the aggressor.

To Israel from SatGov: "Get your shit together, stop being violent, stop annexing Palestinian land, and withdraw behind 1947 UN partition plan lines. It's time to get off your fucking lazy land-grabbing asses and start doing real work toward real civilization."

See, it's not hard to do at all.

The above incident reminds me of a time a couple of friends and I were hiking around Lake Louise, Alberta.  Parts of the trail had snow. In the snow are footprints left by other hikers that go quite deep because the snow was still quite high in some parts. I was going in one direction and this guy wearing sunglasses was headed in another direction so we were using the same set of footprints. When we met, I assumed we'd both be smart enough to go around each other to make some footprints because it's not that hard. He just stood there like a conceited idiot while I walked around him. He gets a level-2 mark of shame.  How do people with such low social skills function in society?

John Bick has Heimdallr beetle PT.
Twitter user @leisure3000: "I'm @leisure3000...duuuuuuhhhh....I have to protect my right to be stupid....ddduuuuuuuhhhh....I'm @leisure3000....duuuuuuuuuuhhh...." *begins foaming from the mouth*


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