Level-2 Vegan Day
Every Monday (Using Alberta, Canada time1) is a level-2 vegan day where everybody goes vegan on level-2 for 24 (level-1) hours. Since everybody wants Christ consciousness to win so badly, everybody should be extremely excited about level-2 vegan days every Monday.
Eating level-1 meat on a level-2 vegan day is not a call for people to run back to level-2 bottom-feeders.
(Update: 2 May 2018:)
Anybody attacking SatGov members at F(3+X) or higher on level-2 on April 23, 2018 or April 30, 2018 gets marked on level-2. Level-1 physical assault is still an attack on level-2 as demonstrated by the Tennessee Waffle House shooter and others in his personality channel.1
Sabotage is also an attack on level-2.
(Update: 21 May 2018:)
Anybody attacking or who has attacked SatGov membersL2 at F(3+X) or higher on Monday veganL2 days gets marked on level-2.
1. i.e. MDT in the summer and MST in the winter.
"MDT – Mountain Daylight Time (Daylight Saving Time)." timeanddate.com, https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/mdt.
2. "Jötunheimr library [Section 14]." http://pan0ramics.blogspot.ca/p/blog-page_22.html.
Eating level-1 meat on a level-2 vegan day is not a call for people to run back to level-2 bottom-feeders.
(Update: 2 May 2018:)
Anybody attacking SatGov members at F(3+X) or higher on level-2 on April 23, 2018 or April 30, 2018 gets marked on level-2. Level-1 physical assault is still an attack on level-2 as demonstrated by the Tennessee Waffle House shooter and others in his personality channel.1
Sabotage is also an attack on level-2.
(Update: 21 May 2018:)
Anybody attacking or who has attacked SatGov membersL2 at F(3+X) or higher on Monday veganL2 days gets marked on level-2.
1. i.e. MDT in the summer and MST in the winter.
"MDT – Mountain Daylight Time (Daylight Saving Time)." timeanddate.com, https://www.timeanddate.com/time/zones/mdt.
2. "Jötunheimr library [Section 14]." http://pan0ramics.blogspot.ca/p/blog-page_22.html.
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