
Hecate-1: Elizabeth Chambers, not up to anything evil
Hecate-2: Aileen Huynh, sleep-eater (eats food while sleepwalking on level-1)
Hecate-3: @summer_chick24_7 (stupid bitch, weird boobs)
April 21, 2018: At StarbucksL1 today, somebody with Hecate-3 PT was sitting on a couch to my right facing me.  She also had brown hair dyed blonde like @summer_chick24_7.  On April 20, 2018 as I was first compiling this post, one of the accounts I reported finally got suspended.  The person running the @Gatflies account was probably also the Hecate-3 PT.

This popped up on April 20, 2018.  
All Hecate PTs get marked.

Level-2 treasure:
Gold purse, gold feather, gold statue of snail holding a golden dandelion spore umbrella

Level-2 lucky charm:2
(Gold Merkaba)F5
(White Seashell)F2

My younger sister said that the PTs that constitute level-2 Trivia helped other level-2 bottom-feeders spy on her and harass her on the second-level of communication.

"Trivia in Roman mythology was the goddess who 'haunted crossroads, graveyards, and was the goddess of sorcery and witchcraft, she wandered about at night and was seen only by the barking of dogs who told of her approach.' " 3

Trivia (Roman character)
Top left: Nasim Sabz (Holika PT)
Bottom left: Phuong Ngoc Ly (Holika PT)
Middle columns: Hecate
Top right: Nikki Haley (Sigyn PT)
Bottom right: Alice Ly (Sigyn PT)

Zeus: level-2 head of Heimdallr PT backed by other slave-makers
Poseidon: "Anarcho"-capitalists like @SemperLiberum (Loki PT)
Gorgons: Skaði and Skaði-like PTs

Gal Gadot
Circe PT: @NicoleDPower
Medea PT: Evgenia Medvedeva (looking tacky as fuck)

Arachne: Mohini PT
There was no weaving contest.  Holika beetle PT of Ancient Greece just liked sitting around on her lazy ass and was upset Mohini PT (who is good at arts and crafts) actually got up and moved around.
Christine H. McConnell (Mohini PT)
Athena: Holika beetle PT backed by other slave-makers
It's also implied on level-2 that level-2 bottom-feeders use the level-1 face of people resembling Vera Farmiga to create level-1 depictions of Athena without their permission and without proper compensation.

Vera Farmiga (a level-2 human)
Nia Vardalos (a level-2 human) does a parody of Holika beetle PT in My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002)
Dustin Hoffman (an Athenian-style slave-maker) attempts to create a likeable version of Holika beetle PT in Tootsie
Cerberus: Hel PT
Pluto: Rama PT
Persephone: Golden Dove PT

The alt-right submits to SatGov; they all stay marked on level-2.

Demeter: Frances McDormand and my own level-1 mom have Demeter PT
Narcissus: Hod (Hod is neither narcissistic nor has the demonic narcissistic PT)
Echo: Twitter user @cooterthug has Echo PT4
Nemesis: Female Vikoka (Vali)5

Three graces:
Euphrosyne: Isadora Duncan had the Euphrosyne PT
Thalia: Tara PT (e.g. Yuna Kim)
Aglaia: Thrúd PT (e.g. Alina Zagitova)
Yes, people are still considered idiotic for not being able to differentiate between real and inverse-civilization:

Not stupid at all:

"Greeks held the yew to be sacred to Hecate... Her attendants draped wreathes of yew around the necks of black bulls which they slaughtered in her honor and yew boughs were burned on funeral pyres. The yew was associated with the alphabet and the scientific name for yew today, taxus, was probably derived from the Greek word for yew, toxos, which is hauntingly similar to toxon, their word for bow and toxicon, their word for poison. It is presumed that the latter were named after the tree because of its superiority for both bows and poison.")1

Hera (Greek), Jyestha (Hinduism): Frigga PT
(People often use people who look like Martina McBride for Hera without permission or proper compensation.)
Enyo (Greek): Sigyn PT
Though I initially thought SaturnL2 was something else, SaturnL2 is likely MerlinL2.
Thesesus: DavidL2
Hecatoncheire: IDL2 thieves who dropped out of their current lane en masse
Ares: BeetlesL2 in Rhino-FPL-A

Oct. 10, 2018:
Hecate-1 beetle: Mariska Hargitay
Hecate-2 beetle: Debra Messing
Hecate-3 beetle: Michelle (Twitter: @LilMoonBigSun)

Oct. 25, 2018: I wonder who won that arts-and-craft contest...


via Christine H. McConnelli


via Callie Douthit (Instagram: @caldawgy; Twitter: @caldawgyy)

Nov. 4, 2018:

Nazi bitches

Nazi bitches

Nazi bitches

Nazi bitches

Dec. 13, 2018:
Elizabeth Chambers owns a bakery (Bird Bakeryi) and my cousin Aileen worked in a few kitchens (and engaged in a lot of shady practices).L1 People who have any of the Hecate PTs often work with food.  I would never trust them with it though.

Mar. 3, 2019:

Emily Sears, Aileen Huynh, Debra Messing
(Hecate-2 PT, Hecate -2 PT, Hecate-2 beetle PT)

1. "Hecate." Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hecate.
2. The level-2 Gold Merkaba charm represents SatGov.
3. "Trivia." Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trivia_(mythology).
4. "Alpha." https://pan0ramics.blogspot.ca/2018/04/alpha.html.
5. "More on Norse 'gods' (Part 3)." https://pan0ramics.blogspot.ca/2018/02/more-on-norse-gods-part-3.html.
