Super Saiyan

Both level-2 applesF2 and higher level-2 power states are referenced in Dragonball Z.

The fruit of the Tree of Might from Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might (1990) are likely based on Level-2 applesF2.1,2

The concept of a Super Saiyan comes from higher level-2 power states.2

The Monkey King (孫悟空) is a composite of personality-types. The Monkey King is made to look like a Vanara PT (level-2 monkey), has qualities of a fake grandmaster PT (evil), Vatara PT (good), Vanara PT (good), and Nezha PT (evil).

Since Saiyans have tails like monkeys, only Vanara PTs existing at higher level-2 power states would be considered real life level-2 Super Saiyans.

Augustin in higher level-2 power state3 (level-2 Super Saiyan)

1. "Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might." Dragonball Wiki
2. Turles from Dragonball Z might be based on Red Boy (good) eating a level-2 AppleF2.
"Jötunheimr library [Section 2]."
3. The Monkey King (孫悟空) is born from a stone egg.
"Sun Wukong." Wikipedia,
