More on Norse "gods"

(Written: 18 Feb. 2018)
I reserve the word "God" (with a capital "G") for the Source and the Infinite Light.1 I don't even use the word "god" (with a lowercase "g") to classify Homo sapien personality types. I describe very evil personality types as demonic and very altruistic personality types as angelic or superheroic. The following are very demonic personality-types:


"The false messiah—anti-Christ, Masih ad-Dajjal—shall appear with great powers as a one-eyed man with his right eye blind and deformed like a grape. Although believers will not be deceived, he will claim to be God, to hold the keys to heaven and hell, and will lead many astray. In reality, his heaven is hell, and his hell is heaven." 2,3

I knew Rick Salutin was the Ashwatthama personality-type when I started making him angry in the last half of January (of this year) and he started making people feel like they were sitting in boiling water. When the Ashwatthama personality-type gets angry he summons many other slave-makers to do so at the same time which causes people to feel they are sitting in boiling water. He did this on Jan. 17, 23, 26, and the night of the 27th (running into the morning of the 28th). 3

(The Ashwatthama/Odin PT died on level-2 by hitting the CIP staff head on.4)

When Rick Salutin (the Ashwatthama personality-type) died on level-2 on Jan. 28, 2018, Maxime Duprez (@maximaxoo) liked a tweet with a picture of a capsule that looked like it belonged to NASA on the ground. There was a caption along the lines of "ummm...NASA...did you lose something?" On level-2, Maxime implied something had fallen out of the level-2 sky and crashed. The slave-makers were winning on that day until that event transpired:

Screen capture taken 28 Jan. 2018 at around noon
I found out the Ashwatthama PT was the Odin PT when Hela consciousness suddenly became available on the level-2 stock market on the night of Jan. 28, 2018, (though I'm quite sure it was available on the level-2 economy earlier.)

I saw tweets with words similar to Hela and Surtr. I saw a German female ancap suddenly like a bunch of posts in the really long ancap Twitter thread called "thread."

I saw this:

Having watched Thor: Ragnarök (2017) a few days earlier made me realize the Ashwatthama PT is the Odin PT.

Oct. 30, 2018 addition:

"Masih ad-Dajjal...He appears gruesome and is blind in his right eye. His one eye is thought to be a symbol that correlates with how single-minded he is in achieving his goal of converting Muslims to his side." 2

The above quote is likely a reference to the Odin PT.

"Al-Dajjal has the intention of gaining followers through his miracle working and apparent wealth and generosity. To resist such munificence is a test for true believers of Islam, who have been warned about Al-Dajjal's power, and who must resist his material temptations." 2

The above quote is likely a reference to Justini Trudeau's PT.


It's kind of funny how many demonic PT's die on level-2 from running into the CIP staff.4,10 On level-2, people who don't mind being close to Source consciousness experience the CIP staff as a beam of light that doesn't hurt them when they interact with it.

On Jan. 23, 2018, the Ashwatthama personality-type was trying to "boil people in hot water" on level-2 by sending slave-makers to attack. Some ancaps died on level-2 trying to wage war with a picture of the CIP staff I had left up on my computer screen:

This man's tombstone should not be a cross since that zombie is a reference to the Odin PT.


Freyr is Koka (of Koka and Vikoka). He never gave away his "magic sword which fights on its own." 5 He's still trying to use it now. It just stopped working. (Plus, he's dead on level-2.6)

(I sent the following at 5:17 pm on Jan. 17, 2018. The time for this email account is always seven hours ahead:)

Koka PT at 5:40 pm, Jan. 17, 2018 (AB time):

Correction: "What is grammar? The difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."
My response to the above tweet:

Some people imply the Koka PT is actually the anti-Christ. Tate Langdon from the first season of American Horror Story (2011) both resembles the Koka PT and was implied to be the anti-Christ in the show. Tweets surrounding his character in context of other tweets imply the Koka PT is the anti-Christ.

The Koka PT along with the Vikoka PT together constitute the beast of the earth from Revelations which many Christians actually identify as the antichrist, even over the seven-headed beast of the sea.

One hockey commentator said Lias Andersson (Koka PT and Swedish hockey captain) is considered a very fierce warrior. Regardless of whether Koka PT is a fierce warrior or the anti-Christ, he needs to drop the fucking attitude: 7

Koka PT is also part of the level-2 fake family.8 Koka PT died on level-2 on Jan. 29, 2018.6

Vanara PT voice: "We interrupt this transmission to bring you this adorable dancing doughboy:"

Vanara PT voice: "And now back to our regularly scheduled programming."


"Mangala (Sanskrit: मङ्गल, IAST: Maṅgala) is the name for Mars, the red planet, lord of Mangal Dosha, in Hindu texts. Also known as Lohit (meaning: red), he is the god of war, celibate and sometimes linked to god Karttikeya (Skanda)." 4,9

These questions are from Feb. 13 of 2017.
The Medeiros monster (@FinalOverdrive) does not like getting friend-zoned:


I didn't actually finish watching Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) until after these events already transpired:

I feel Quintessa should have been portrayed as a good guy and as using a staff and a hexagonal dome structure to help stabilize the earth rather than destroy it.


Loki PT is taking yesterday's level-2 Olympic results really well:11

First tweet: 11:17 pm, Jan. 17, 2018, (AB time)
Level-1 lightning is not the result of events on level-2 but can be used to symbolize level-2 events.12 As for a school shooting (which is a man-made incident), it's not at all impossible for the shooter to choose a location that sends out a level-2 message. A disgruntled ancap who was planning to carry out a massacre in a public location anyway might choose a location that serves the ancaps on the second level of communication. 13

1. "Brahma's fifth head."

How great is the Source? I discuss a lot of evil in my writings. The inverse-Source (evil) is greater than all the evil I've described and also comprises all the evil I haven't described. The Source is more powerful than the inverse-Source.
2. "Islamic Eschatology." Wikipedia,
3. "Hela."
4. "CIP Staff and Light Merkaba."
5. "Freyr."
6. "Scored again!"
7. "Sore losers."
8. "Get out."
9. "Mangala."
10. "Unified Eschatology."
11. "Another level-2 Olympic gold!"
12. "Hugh Jackman."
13. "Gourds of ashes."
