Scored again!

(Written: Jan. 30, 2018.)

Recap of the night of Jan. 29, 2018.

Wesley scores again on level-2 haha.

@StevStiffler is slave-maker account and even he admits Wesley and I won for the night. 

The Koka personality-type (e.g. @StevStiffler) died on level-2 yesterday night.

There are some people who have been making sure I only semi-win against slave-makers to open up level-2 opportunities, but who then screw me over so they can take the opportunity themselves.  They are pretty much stealing level-2 vacations that belong to Wesley and me.  This forces Wesley and me to constantly work on level-2, but get constantly left in the level-2 cold.  (Slave-makers all deserve death on level-2 so it goes without saying they don't deserve anything.)

It's implied that one of these vacation thieves got completely owned yesterday "in front of everybody" on level-2:
Vacation thieves all deserve instant death on level-2.

I don't recognize the slave-maker government or their stupid penalty system, but even with their penalty system in place, Wesley and I would be considered the winners of the night.

I have seen couples who date on level-2 and level-1, but this is not the case for Wesley and myself,  He has both my Instagram accounts blocked.  However, I continue working with him on level-2 because it's mutually beneficial for us to do so.  The Koka personality-type dates the Nikki Haley personality-type.  It's also implied he dates an Asian N.Haley PT.  That Asian N.Haley PT is my older sister.  She doesn't date the Koka personality-type in real life (at least not that I know of) and doesn't know the person running the @StevStiffler Twitter account.  (I have one other sibling: an FS-type younger sister.)

My older sister hardcore died on level-2 on Jan. 5, 2017.1

My older sister has always been really bad with geography.  We had a world globe in the house growing up.  I always played with it; she never touched it.  One time when we were both in university, I changed her laptop background to a world map because she said one of her courses required her to be familiar with geography.  The maps didn't list countries, but just had seven colours for seven continents and the name for each continent.  I wanted to keep it really basic.  When she looked at it, she started freaking out.  "Wait! Oh my god! Is that Africa?!?!  How the hell is Africa so big?!?!  Oh my god, there is no way Africa is that big. I had no idea."  (How come so many people think Africa is an island country like Madagascar? I encourage every parent to have a (level-1) world globe in the house.  I don't have any children myself, but if I did, I would definitely have one in the house.)

I was reminded of the above incident when Nikki Haley started commenting on the imaginary country Binomo.2

My older sister is like a robot. She will go wherever there is level-2 benefit without any concern for morality. When that level-2 benefit comes from oppressing others, she becomes oppression itself. She fills every opportunity to cause suffering for others if it benefits herself.  Many people who meet her and talk to her would think, "Oh, well, she seems like a nice, responsible girl."  It's all fake.  Slave-makers invest in the genocide/enslavement of others so they can create that appearance.

She has a very dark energy as does Nikki Haley.  A male analogue would be Twitter user @seliharris.

Recently, it's been implied that my older sister has been fighting even while dead on level-2 rather than just giving up and getting level-2 benefit from being a decent human being.  At this time, ancaps were using Morticia from The Adam's Family to represent her.  I think the slave-makers may have invested in trying to bring her back to life on level-2, but I'm pretty sure she's already dead again.

Yesterday, Koka PT, Asian N.Haley PT, and some other Asian female(s) were trying to fight the level-2 current but failed.

@BrianStelly_ is a level-1 Homo sapien.

8:56 and 8:57 pm, 29 Jan. 2018, AB time
For a while, it was implied that they still couldn't access the information I had uploaded on social media.  However, after the large level-2 explosion, they finally could.

9: 02 and 9:03 pm, 29 Jan. 2018, AB time

@archillect tweeted the following at 11:00 pm (29 Jan. 2018, AB time):

People should have access to the information I upload onto social media now.3

1. "Sore losers."
2. Ballesteros, Carlos. "Trump's U.N. Ambassador Allegedly Promises to Protect Fake Country in Prank Call with Two Russians." Newsweek, 28 Dec. 2017,
3. "Panoramics' book."
