
Ziya Tong is very quick on level-2.  I first noticed she was on my team when she helped call out the fraud, Mark McCormack (Hermes PT), using level-2.  Mark works on campaigns like Make Poverty History, but also asserts that Lenin was genuinely trying to create conditions of communism (comprising egalitarianism, worker ownership, and democracy) which is clearly a lie.1  Mark reminds me a bit of Twitter user @gabrielamadej in how shameless he is in lying because he assumes he'll always get away with it.

I know exposing Mark on level-2 worked because he started freaking out:

Additionally, Tong called out Laura Palmer (on level-2) for being a fraud on Jan. 6, 2018.2 She's called out Trump and his administration (on level-1 and level-2) on numerous occasions.  She called out Canada for being cowardly in abstaining from the UN vote on whether to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.3

Tong called out the extreme logical fallacy of sending humanitarian aid to Yemen while also sending weapons to Saudi Arabia.  Such behaviour is analogous to a doctor making a healthy person sick just so he can treat that person:

Additionally, many people can only handle scientific information after becoming slave-makers on level-2 and adhering to sophistic science on level-1.  She is able to handle scientific information without resorting to these unfair tactics.

I think it's cool that she works for the Discovery Channel.  I grew up watching the Discovery Channel.  Like Hugh Jackman, she is in a position where she can heal on level-2 if she gets hurt.  She senses level-2 opportunities very quickly and can sense when sinister people are vulnerable very quickly.

On Jan. 6, 2018, she helped "mark" slave-makers on level-2.

Anybody with a mark obviously deserves instant death on level-2.

Her Chinese and Macedonian background along with her ability to handle scientific facts and facts concerning global affairs without resorting to cheating means she is in a good position to understand Fernology on the first level of communication without going insane.

I'm not sure the same can be said for flat-earth creationists who are FS-types on level-2, but refuse to accept even the most basic facts on level-1.  (Even the channellers admit that the earth is round.4)

If people don't heed this warning, there is going to be another Late Bronze Age collapse meaning the suffering humans have had to endure for the last few thousand years of inverse-civilization would have been for nothing:
I said FS-types need to start issuing out level-2 penalties to people making gross factual errors on level-1.  The FS-types who can't handle basic facts on level-1 will have to give greater level-2 status to the FS-types who can handle basic facts on level-1 so they can issue out level-2 penalties.  (This doesn't conflict with the self-dissolving principle because there is a genuine need for this.  Even if firefighters did everything they could to prevent fires even at the expense of their own careers, there might still be a need for some firefighters.)

This is right on:

1. "Basic Income Economics."
2. "Laura Palmer (@roxanne_cams) is a fucking bitch!"
3. "Despite Haley threat, UN votes to condemn Trump's Jerusalem decision." CNN, 22 Dec. 2017,
4. The channellers depict the earth as round:
"Spirit Science 12 ~ The Hidden Human History Movie." Youtube, uploaded by Spirit Science, 1 Feb. 2012,
