To be precise

Wesley Durden and my failed attempt on Dec. 24, 2017 didn't cause a plane in Florida to crash.1 However, it caused people to use the words "twin-engine" and caused people to focus on some type of failure to launch in the southern United States.

Analogously, Wesley Durden and my failed attempt on Dec. 24, 2017 did not cause Wesley to become a spaceman from 1953 on the hunt for the Andromeda wormhole who crash-landed back to Earth.

Additionally, the parkade event of Nov. 24, 2017 was disastrous for the FS-types on Level 2.2 People kept focusing on sinking ships. However, I didn't see any news stories about a physical ship sinking on Nov. 24, 2017.  Had an actual ship sank on Nov. 24, 2017, I'm sure it would have exploded in the news and across social media. However, there wasn't one so people relied on discussing old ships that sank like the Titanic, the film Titanic (1997) etc.

The second level of communication is all about wide-scale power and control.  That's why people are so obsessed with it.

1. "I crossed the finish line first."
2. "The Philadelphia Experiment."
