Urheimat Lost
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"Anarcho"-capitalism |
I usually throw ancaps under the umbrella term "Hellenic-style slave-makers," but they may have had prominence in areas around the Black Sea before the Dorian-types or Hebrews ever arrived. Their natural predisposal to land theft may have been one of the reasons for the Indo-European migrations.1
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Scheme of Indo-European migrations, of which the Indo-Aryan migrations form a part2 |
Ancaps and Dorian-types view each other as semi-separate, yet allied groups with a lot of overlap. The Dorian-type @leisure3000 retweeted an image of a vicious-looking dog kissing a lethal-looking snake after I included both him and the ancap @SemperLiberum in a Twitter conversation.
The ancap @SemperLiberum retweeted this image:
Chad is a reference to the alt-right. |
One could argue that ancaps pave the wave for Dorianism to arise. For example, ancaps relentlessly stole land from Native Americans, allowing the United States to be formed. The anger, hypocrisy, and gun-obsession of Americans extends from ancaps. Ancaps make sure conditions are right for inverse-civilization, slave-making, and Lucifer worship. The sophists obviously thrive under these conditions and Nazism is an inevitable outcome.
A lot of Americans act surprised by the appearance of the alt-right. They are used to good old fashioned slave-making like forcing blacks to work on cotton plantations at gunpoint. More industrialized forms of slave-making like Nazism must seem strange and foreign to them. They are used to committing genocide against Native Americans by destroying their food supply and giving them diseases on purpose. Putting groups in concentration camps and gas chambers is new to them. They are used to simple lynchings and KKK rallies. More advanced and organized systems of inverse-civilization such as Nazism might be a bit of a shock. Americans are used to neo-Nazi hicks with mullets who can't spell. Dorianism is much more invested in the appearance of professionalism. Americans are used to pretending to support democracy, knowing full well that the United States is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic. They aren't used to outright supporting fascism.
1. I will continue to classify "anarcho"-capitalists as Hellenic-style slave-makers since they did help with slavery in ancient Greece.
2. "Indo-Aryan migration theory." Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Aryan_migration_theory. Accessed 5 Nov. 2017.
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