Tara Consciousness

"Within Tibetan Buddhism Tārā is regarded as a Bodhisattva of compassion and action."

"She is known as the "mother of liberation", and represents the virtues of success in work and achievements."

"She is the female aspect of Avalokiteśvara and in some origin stories she comes from his tears."1

I'd prefer if stories depicted Tara coming from the tears of the female Avalokiteśvara (Guan Yin).  In my essay "Notes on Martyrdom," I discuss how the diligence and success of people like Yuna Kim and Oprah Winfrey spring from an underlying agnostic marytr–complex.  Those living within the realm of Tara consciousness are able to enter the realm of the Witness in their waking consciousness under extreme duress. 2

Winfrey and Kim's success have liberated them financially and their charitableness has helped others, but large-scale systematic changes and acceptance of higher truths are needed to lift all of humanity out of oppression. People need to apply diligence and hard-work to pushing for real-civilization.

1. "Tara (Buddhism)." Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_(Buddhism). Accessed 26 Nov. 2017.
2. "Notes on Martyrdom." http://en.minguo.info/book/panoramics/notes_on_martyrdom.


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