"The Martians were an incredibly male species and also very old"

1. "Spirit Science 12 ~ The Hidden Human History Movie." Youtube, uploaded by Spirit Science, 1 Feb. 2012, https://youtu.be/U8NNHmV3QPw.
2. James Randi (sophist)
3. Medeiros monster, REC (2007)
4. Rick, Rick and Morty (2013)

"Rick and Morty: The animated version of a sophist's wet dream." http://pan0ramics.blogspot.ca/2017/09/rick-and-morty-animated-version-of.html.
5. Edmonton LRT hate-crime suspect

"Suspect in custody after Muslim women threatened with noose." The Edmonton Journal, 6 Dec. 2016, http://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/suspect-in-custody-after-muslim-women-threatened-with-noose.

"Muslim group denounces Edmonton LRT incident as 'hate crime,' calling it 'absolutely horrifying.' " The Edmonton Journal, 7 Dec. 2016, http://edmontonjournal.com/news/crime/muslim-group-denounces-edmonton-lrt-incident-as-hate-crime-calling-it-absolutely-horrifying.
