The meaning of life can only be understood in Nirvana or Enlightenment

It's a sophist myth that the meaning of life is not granted to humans.  However, one can only understand the meaning of life in Nirvana or Enlightenment.  Furthermore, it cannot be fully expressed to those outside Nirvana or Enlightenment.  Every individual must achieve Nirvana or Enlightenment for themselves.


Outside transcendental states:  The truest beauty is freedom.  The human soul yearns for it.  And, so, good people can only be attracted to that which brings freedom.


How powerful is VishnuL2?

Let's first discuss RFacWS.  RFacWS is: the fabric of this reality wherein Brahma/VishnuL2, Witness conscio-equipotential, and the speed of light in a vacuum are intrinsic.

Why can't Brahma/VishnuL2, Witness conscio-equipotential, and the speed of light be intrinsic without slavery against Blacks?  Who or what dictates the reality that surrounds these intrinsic properties?

That which dictates the reality that surrounds these intrinsic properties = TWDcWS

One could argue that TWDcWS = ???

If one views TWDcWS = VishnuL2, then VishnuL2 dictates the laws of the universe that determine how organisms are selected for via natural selection over billions of yearsL1 so that Homo sapiens can experience even a fraction of HimL2.
